2019 BOOKS

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This year I made a goal to read 52 books—one book a week.

What started as a fun challenge grew into a great opportunity to expand my knowledge and progress personally. As I read more, I realized that instead of trying to fly through a book a week, I wanted to dive deeper and take more time in each book I read. I finished the year having read 33 books, which to me is a success. (And I now have a book on me at all times which is also really fun)

My top three books of 2019:

1. Mindset: This book blew me away. Our thoughts impact our WHOLE LIFE. Understanding what mindset we have, whether fixed or growth, gives us the power to change it. A fascinating, life changing read. My #1 recommendation to anyone and everyone. .

2. Essentialism: Wow. This book helps outline the importance of focus and clarity in life. Understanding that we can’t do everything all at once helps us zero in on what really matters in the now. There’s also a fantastic interview of the author on the All In podcast that I highly recommend. .

3. The Happiness Advantage: The title says it all. I’ve read plenty of hype books that are meant to motivate you to change, but books with research backing it up are my all time fave. I like being happy. I know happiness makes a profound difference in performance and overall satisfaction in life. And this book outlines real, scientifically proven keys to happiness. .

Reading has helped me stay persistent in my personal growth efforts. You are what you fill your mind, your time, and your space with. Needless to say, I’m not done reading books. If you have any recommendations, let me know. I’m always on the lookout for a good read!

Here is the complete list (in chronological order of my reading them):

  1. You are a Bad Ass—hype

  2. The 5 Second Rule—hype

  3. Model Mormon—memoir

  4. The Glass Castle—memoir

  5. How Will You Measure Your Life?—personal development 

  6. Believing Christ—faith

  7. The Strangest Secret—personal development 

  8. Girl Wash Your Face—personal development

  9. Crucial Conversations—psychology

  10. The Diving Bell and the Butterfly—memoir

  11. The Compound Effect—personal development

  12. Boundaries—personal development

  13. No One Can Take Your Place—faith

  14. Spartan Fit!—exercise

  15. Mindset—psychology/personal development

  16. Willpower—personal development

  17. Essentialism—personal development

  18. The Happiness Advantage—personal development

  19. Brave, Not Perfect—hype

  20. Tuesday’s with Morrie—memoir

  21. Heaven is Here—memoir

  22. The War of Art—art

  23. Mere Christianity—faith

  24. The Wednesday Letters—fiction

  25. The Art of War—strategy 

  26. Daring Greatly—personal development

  27. Shoe Dog—memoir/entrepreneurship

  28. Maybe you should talk to someone—psychology

  29. Can’t Hurt Me—personal development

  30. Born to Shine—personal development

  31. Screwtape Letters—faith

  32. The Alchemist

  33. Carried—faith/memoir