Formal Studio Shoot with Moon and Ivan


The fresh white background and simple formal black outfits that Moon and Ivan chose for their couple shoot allowed the focus to be entirely on their special love. These photos express their balanced partnership. Their love is just as strong supporting each other in their goals as when they are slipping out of their shoes and cuddling on the couch after a long day of work.

Their children actually joined them later in this shoot for some family photos, but Moon and Ivan wanted some special photos of just the two of them as well. I’ve found that many of my clients who are parents have little to no photos of just the two of them after their oldest was born. When you are past the phase of life before children, it is easy to forget to snap a photo of your love among the first step videos, elementary graduations pics, and all of the other moments capturing your children’s accomplishments. If you have found yourself years past your last real photos with just your partner, I recommend booking a shoot just for the two of you! Documenting your love at every stage is something you will be grateful you did.

I offer portrait photo sessions for purposes just like this, click here to learn more.
